Category: Invisalign

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Why Invisalign is Better than Traditional Braces at Any Age

Invisalign and traditional braces are orthodontic treatments used to straighten teeth and improve dental alignment for patients of all ages. Both options will produce the desired straighter teeth and realigned bite positions, but they get there in slightly different ways. As the name suggests, “Invisalign” is an “invisible” teeth alignment treatment option typically preferred by...

Find an Invisalign Specialist in Coney Island NY

What Does Invisalign Offer that Traditional Braces Don’t

Having crooked or misshapen teeth is common. Whether we’re talking about a minor overbite or slightly wide gaps between teeth or severe spaces and misshapen teeth, the desire to straighten them is pretty universal. You basically have two options when it comes to discussing and choosing teeth straightening treatment with your dentist, traditional braces or...

Find the Best Invisalign Treatment Coney Island NY for your budget

Why is Invisalign so Popular Amongst Adults

Having a great looking smile is something many people take for granted. But straight and sparkling white teeth are not something everyone gets blessed with at birth. As we age, many people will have slightly misshapen teeth due to genetics, injury, or environmental causes. If you never got braces when you were younger, or your...

Find the best Coney Island Invisalign Dentist near me in NYC.

Teeth Straightening Systems for Adults and Confident Smiles

Having crooked teeth, an overbite or an underbite can be more problematic than from a strictly aesthetic point of view. With tooth structure abnormalities patients can experience a wide array of issues including discomfort, damaged enamel, ground-down teeth, and even mental health concerns like depression stemming from misshapen and crooked teeth. This can be difficult...

Invisalign treatment in Coney Island NY for over a decadel

Invisalign is the Teeth Straightening System of the Modern Age

We’ve all seen vintage footage or had loved ones who grew up having traditional braces in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. After all, you couldn’t miss them! Bright shiny metal connectors between the teeth and elastic bands on the sides of the mouth were pretty hard to miss. Smiling or eating would trap all...

Find the best Invisalign Dentist in Coney Island and get straighter teeth.

Invisalign Braces Changed the Face of Tooth Alignment Technology

We’re all familiar with traditional metallic or porcelain braces. For years the only way to realign teeth was with visible semi-permanently attached braces They’re impossible not to notice when looking in the mirror, smiling for photos, or chatting. Every middle school, high school, college-age student, or grown adult who has had to wear them was...

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