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Straightening Crooked or Misaligned Teeth is Easier than Ever

People have crooked or misshapen teeth for all sorts of reasons. It could be incoming wisdom teeth, an injury, or a pulled tooth that allows your other teeth to shift. It could be something else. You may be considering aligner options if you’re dealing with misaligned teeth, either from a young age or due to other factors. 

The good news is that straightening your teeth is easier than ever. Better still is that costs have decreased dramatically recently for the best aligners like Invisalign. Let’s look at what has changed and why you should start the process now toward the smile you’ve always wanted. 

Invisalign and Invisalign GO Make it Easy

Find the Invisalign Provider in Coney Island NY for you
Invisalign Provider in Coney Island NY

Traditional metal braces have fallen out of favor over the past two decades. Since the invention of Invisalign in 1997 by university dental students who hated braces, a lot has changed. The inventors, who had worn braces, hated almost everything about “normal” braces. Part of it was the inability to maintain oral hygiene or brush and flow correctly truly. Part of it was how unsightly braces looked on anyone outside of middle school age. So, they came up with a far better solution that realigned teeth equally as effective as braces.

Using Invisalign is simple. You often wear them and remove them when you eat or want to brush and floss. This means you can properly clean your teeth and gums even while realigning them. They are also invisible to see, so the embarrassment of having a “metal mouth” as an adult is gone completely. Teenagers and adults who used traditional braces faced insecurities and even bullying from their peers. That is no longer the case with near-invisible Invisalign. 

Treatment Time Frames are Comparable to Braces

If you think you’ll have to wear Invisalign much longer than traditional braces, think again. The treatment time is nearly identical with clear aligners compared to conventional braces. Equally significant is they do not require many visits to the dentist for adjustments. You used to have to see the orthodontist all the time to get things looked at and adjusted. This was not cost-effective and was a massive waste of time for people with busy schedules. 

With Invisalign, your dentist can do everything, so you don’t need to see a specialist. 

Costs are Lower than Conventional Braces

Another great thing about clear aligners like Invisalign is the costs are far lower. It’s simple economics. Metal braces require metal and all sorts of adhesives, bands, retainers, and dental visits. These add up to an inconvenient and expensive way to align your teeth. Because Invisalign doesn’t have the same input costs or need for dental visits, the prices can be some 30-50% lower than standard braces. This makes it easy to decide what sort of aligners to use. 

Talk to Your Dentist Today and Get Started

If you’re sick of misaligned teeth, an overbite or underbite that is slight, and only you notice it; it’s time to discuss it with your dentist. We have proudly served lower Kings County, NY, for over 40 years. We are a leading Invisalign Provider in Coney Island NY, and are proud to help hundreds of people every year get the smile they deserve. Give us a call and get started today. 


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