Find the Best Dentist in Coney Island NY 11224, and get a checkup before you have a tooth problem.

Understanding Warm Weather Dietary Changes and How they Affect Teeth

Spring is in full swing. Many of us are doing a bit of spring cleaning to de-clutter and freshen up our homes and apartments for the warm weather season. Did you know that spring is one of the busiest times of the year for dentist visits and dental checkups? So, “spring cleaning” can mean more than donating old clothes and finally dusting off your bookshelves. 

With Warm Weather Comes Gatherings & Parties

Find the Best Dentist in Coney Island NY 11224, and get a checkup before you have a tooth problem.
Best Dentist in Coney Island NY

 There are several reasons why spring is one of the most popular times of the year for Americans to visit the dentist here in Kings County NY. First of all, warm weather means more activities, gatherings, and festivities geared around meeting friends and family in person. Many of us buy new clothes and shoes for these sorts of gatherings, and it has proven true that many folks spruce up their oral care. Here are a few key reasons to get to the dentist this spring:

  • Springtime cleaning & x-ray specials are prevalent
  • Be confident with your smile for the all of your parties and weddings 
  • Spending more time smiling and visible
  • Traveling without any oral pain or problems
  • Teeth Whitening discounts
  • Great time to start Invisalign or Invisalign Go teeth straightening treatment

The truth is that there is never a bad time to get to the dentist, so whenever you go is great. But you may consider getting back on the recommended bi-yearly dental visits. It can make a lot of sense to have one scheduled in spring and then again before the big holiday season in the winter. This way you can be sure you’re confident in your smile and pain-free during the busiest times of the year. 

Diets Change During the Warm Weather Months

The average American diet changes with the weather. We start to enjoy more cold and sugary drinks (yes, even more than normal), ice cream, and high-sugar alcoholic beverages. Barbecues make for eating meat off of the bone and nights spent out later mean eating later into the night than during the colder months. Parties and birthdays tend to end with cakes and sweets more in the summer than in the winter. Now, this is a generality but holds true for most of us. That makes it even smarter to get into the dentist for a checkup to see how everything is looking before all those hot weather ice cream cones!

What to Expect When you get to the Dentist

Hopefully, you’re going to the dentist about every 6 months, but the truth is many Americans don’t. This means you may have different expectations if you saw the dentist six months ago compared to if your last dentist visit was 6 years ago. If it is your normal bi-yearly checkup you can get a feel for how your teeth are looking from the previous visit. If it has been years, you should be ready for your dentist to say anything. 

  • Are there cavities? 
  • Any tooth cracks or discoloration? 
  • Are you have experiencing tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods and liquids?
  • Are you experiencing gum line degradation? 
  • Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth?
  • Serious or mild pain? Chronic or acute?
  • Acid damage to tooth enamel?

If you see the dentist regularly, they will know you and know what to expect. If it has been a while, be sure to tell your dental hygienist and dentist how long it has been and if you’re experiencing anything they should take into account. 

Schedule Your Dentist Visit Today

It’s simple to schedule a dental visit, regardless of how long it has been since your last appointment. If you’re looking for the Best Dentist in Coney Island NY, look no further than right here at and our over 40 years of local experience.

We proudly help over 4,000 patients a year get the smile they can be confident in. We live right here where we work, we are proud members of the Kings County community.


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