It’s an old fable that going to the dentist while pregnant puts a developing baby and expecting mother at risk of complications. But is there any truth to this old wives’ tale? Why is Dentistry Important During Pregnancy? If you’re pregnant or are conceiving, maintaining proper oral hygiene as part of a healthy lifestyle is...
Tag: best Dentist 11224
Dental Treatment Options when You Have Severe Oral Pain
Having a toothache or any kind of oral pain is never fun. But if you’re experiencing severe oral pain, whether in your teeth, gums, tongue, or jaw, it can be problematic in many ways. It could be something as simple as a cavity that has gone too far or a sign of something more severe...
Understanding Warm Weather Dietary Changes and How they Affect Teeth
Spring is in full swing. Many of us are doing a bit of spring cleaning to de-clutter and freshen up our homes and apartments for the warm weather season. Did you know that spring is one of the busiest times of the year for dentist visits and dental checkups? So, “spring cleaning” can mean more...
Protecting Tooth Enamel to Prevent Cracks & Extractions
Tooth enamel is an important component in the structure of all healthy teeth. It is a hard, semi-clear, outer tooth layer that protects from erosion caused by everyday use. Enamel also prevents sensitivity from hot and cold temperatures as we eat and drink different things. Sugars, acids, dyes, and chemicals all damage teeth in a...