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New Year, New Smile. Get the Smile You Want for 2022

2021 is nearly over and it’s been another year of ups and downs, masks, vaccines, and more. If you’ve been avoiding the dentist or skipping it altogether, you may want to reconsider for the coming year. Seeing the dentist regularly goes beyond regular cleanings and allows for preventative dentistry. Where your dentist can spot things that would turn into big problems if left untreated like cavities, cracks, and more. But if you’re missing teeth, have crooked teeth, or have gum disease skipping the dentist should not be something you’re still doing next year.

New Years Resolution: Fix My Smile

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Coney Island Dental Services

The new year is a time for looking forwards as well as within. Only you truly know the state of your teeth as you eat every day, brush and floss daily, and look in the mirror every single day. No one knows your mouth like you and if you’re tired of seeing crooked, cracked, or missing teeth, it’s time to take steps to remedy them. Let’s take a look at a missing tooth as an example.

If you’re missing one or more teeth you may be embarrassed to smile or have a hard time eating certain foods. You’d be surprised to hear how long most people go on missing teeth before getting into a dentist’s chair to look at their options. Dental implants, crowns, and bridges are likely your best bet in replacing missing teeth. These provide permanent teeth that will allow you to smile, speak, chew, and drink just like you would with normal teeth. The thing is, getting a dental implant requires some planning and action. If you’re tired of avoiding photos or smiling due to being ashamed of one or more missing teeth, 2022 is the year to get the smile you deserve.

2022 and Straighter Teeth

No matter your age, we all want a good-looking smile. Whether it’s a first date, an interview, class picture, or just hanging out with friends, smiling and laughing are important. If you’re ashamed of crooked or misaligned teeth, you may want to consider Invisalign this year. There are some benefits to using Invisalign that beat traditional ceramic or metallic braces. Invisalign:

  • Can’t be seen
  • Is removed for eating and dental hygiene
  • Requires fewer dental visits than traditional braces
  • Works in a shorter time frame than traditional braces
  • Costs less than traditional braces
  • Works with minimal or severe tooth alignment patients
  • Allows for freedom traditional braces can’t
  • and more

Talking with your dentist about your options is the best place to start if you want straight teeth. This isn’t an overnight process either so the sooner you get a dental consultation the faster you can be on your way to straighter teeth.

Whitening Your Teeth Professionally

There is a pretty big market for at-home dental whitening kits. There is whitening toothpaste, whitening mouthwashes, whitening strips, and other home whitening options. But none of these compare to the effectiveness of getting your teeth professionally whitened by a dentist. This is because the tools they use are superior to anything you can buy to use at home. Not to mention, the frequency at which dentists whiten teeth provides them with experience to do the job better than you can.

Benefits include:

  • Deeper whitening
  • Longer lasting 
  • No guesswork
  • Painless and effective
  • Better for badly stained teeth

Depending on how stained your teeth are your dentist may be able to get them looking like new or may require a few treatments. Be sure to ask about a whitening package.

2022 Will be the Year of Great Smiles

Take care of your teeth at home and see the dentist regularly. By doing that you can ensure you’re getting the smile of your dreams no matter what you need. For the best Coney Island Dental Services look no further than over 40 years of local expertise right here at

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